Mukhyamantri Rajshri Yojana:-
Regarding the birth of girl child, the Rajasthan government has started a very wonderful scheme to give good news to all the parents of Rajasthan. Through Mukhyamantri Rajshri Yojana, the government has said that it will provide financial assistance on the birth of a daughter. This financial assistance will be given in different installments to the girl’s parents or to the girl.
Thus, if you also reside in Rajasthan state and have a daughter or your daughter has recently been born, then you should get complete information about Rajasthan Rajshree Scheme. Here in this article, we will give you information about “What is Rajasthan Rajshri Yojana” and “How to apply for Rajasthan Rajshri Yojana.”
Daughters get benefit of more than Rs 50000, online application form

Mukhyamantri Rajshri Yojana 2023
Rajasthan Mukhyamantri Rajshree Yojana has been launched by the then Chief Minister of Rajasthan for the welfare of daughters. Because of this scheme, now no one will consider daughters as a burden. Want to tell that, through Rajshree Yojana Rajasthan Government will provide financial assistance of approximately ₹ 50000 from the birth of the daughter till she completes her 12th standard.
The beneficiary will be able to receive this assistance in the form of installment. Only the permanent daughters of Rajasthan will get the benefit of this scheme. To avail the benefits of the scheme, there will be a need to register under the scheme. However, the facility of online registration is not available yet. Therefore, offline registration will have to be done in the scheme.
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Mukhyamantri Rajshri Yojana Objectives
As you know, there are still many states and many districts in the country where people’s thinking regarding daughters is not good. People feel that daughters are a burden on them, but in the last few years, daughters are also hoisting the flag of success in different fields. This is the reason why there has been a change in the thinking of some people and the government is continuously making efforts to bring about a change in the thinking of some people. Similarly, Rajasthan Government has also launched Rajshree Scheme with the objective to encourage the birth of daughters and educate and empower them in the society.
Mukhyamantri Rajshri Yojana Features/ Benefits
Rajshree Yojana has been launched by the Chief Minister of Rajasthan.
Only the native girls of Rajasthan will be given the benefit of this scheme by the government.
The financial assistance provided by the government under the scheme will be given in different installments.
Under the scheme, ₹ 2500 will be received on the birth of a girl child and ₹ 2500 will be given on the vaccination of 1 year.
If the daughter takes admission in class 1 of a government school, she will get ₹ 4000 and if she takes admission in class 6 of a government school, she will get ₹ 5000.
When the daughter takes admission in class 10th of a government school, she will get ₹ 11000 and when she takes admission in class 12th of a government school, she will get ₹ 25000.
In this way, under the scheme, the daughter will be able to receive the amount of ₹ 50000 in total 6 installments.
The first two installments of the scheme will be given to all those girls who were born in a government hospital and a private hospital registered with the Janani Suraksha Yojana.
The girl will get the next installment for her studies only when she gets admission in an education institute run by a state government.
If the third child of a parent is also born a daughter, then the parents will receive the initial two installments.
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Mukhyamantri Rajshri Yojana Eligibility
Only daughters of Rajasthan will be eligible for the scheme.
Only such girls will be eligible for the scheme, who were born after June 1 in the year 2016.
If a daughter has received one or two installments and after that she dies due to any reason, then in such a situation, if a daughter is born again as a child to her parents, then that daughter The benefit of the scheme will be given.
Mukhyamantri Rajshri Yojana Documents
Photocopy of Aadhar Card
Photocopy of Bhamashah card
Photocopy of residence certificate
Photocopy of child’s birth certificate
phone number
email id
Photocopy of parents’ bank account details
Chief Minister Rajshree Yojana Registration Process
1: To apply offline for this scheme, you will have to go to a government hospital or a hospital registered with Janani Suraksha Yojana. If you want, you can also contact Taluka Health Officer, Collector Office or District Council or Gram Panchayat.
2: After contacting any place, you have to get the application form of Mukhyamantri Rajshree Yojana.
3: After receiving the application form, you need to enter all the information you are asked to enter in it.
4: When you have completed this process, then you have to put signature or thumb impression at the required place.
5: Now finally, whatever important documents you have, you have to attach them with this application form.
6: Once you have completed this process, you have to submit this application form at the relevant place.
After this your application form and documents are scrutinized and if everything is found correct then your name is included in the scheme
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Mukhyamantri Rajshri Yojana Helpline Number
Through this article, we have provided you important information about Rajshree Yojana Rajasthan. Now below we are also giving you the helpline number of the scheme, so that you can inquire about the scheme or register your complaint. Remember that you can call the helpline number from Monday to Saturday from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm. There is holiday on Sunday. Therefore you should not call on holidays.
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